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Champion Health Nordics

What We do

Our offering includes customized health programs, health checks, preventive health interventions, and management of work-related injuries and illnesses. We use advanced data analysis and digital tools to identify health and productivity patterns within the company, providing customized solutions to improve the work environment and reduce absenteeism. With our team of specialist doctors, nurses, psychologists and behavioral scientists, ergonomics experts, occupational health engineers, and health experts available at our facilities, on-site at companies, and on digital platforms, we strive to create a seamless and accessible experience for both employers and employees.

  • I just completed my second year as a senior and had a great season with many steps forward in the right direction. My goal is to reach the absolute top of the world and make it to the Olympics and to be as good as possible. My path has not been straight for Ida as mental illness characterized my teenage years and Champion Health's Plus products have changes my daily routines with a great positive impact on my performance"

    Ida Andersson

Our Leadership

  • Our business idea is to offer an innovative and comprehensive occupational health care solution tailored for all businesses and the modern workplace. By prioritizing preventive measures and promoting health in the workplace, we strengthen not only individuals' well-being but also the long-term success and sustainability of businesses.

    Kristoffer Svensson - CEO CH Nordics

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